Different types of industry animation
We have many types of industry animation but most of them categorized into five main categories. Obviously, each has some advantages and disadvantages depends on the style and manner of artist and the way the animation is created. It is necessary for artists to know different types of industry animation for choosing their career path in animation.
Traditional Animation
Creating this type of animation is traditional; because for creating an animation scene in traditional animation every single frame must be hand drawn by the animator one by one. Usually animators do it on a light table, because it allows the animators to see the previous drawing through the top layer of paper, so this type of animation can be known or referred as cell animation. Some well-known companies as like as Disney are known for using traditional animation up to now. Actually now a day this type of animation is done on computers which has special tablets.

2D animation
2D animation is referred to vector-based animations comparable to the ones used in Flash. Due to the accessibility of the technology this kind of industry has become more and more popular day by day. One of the options 2D animation has for artists is the ability of editing animation frame by frame and in vector-based animation the artist can create the gadgets for objects and characters, moving different parts instead of redrawing them again, this flexibility is good for artists especially for beginners because they don’t need to rely so heavily on drawing skills.
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3D Animation
The most common type of animation at the moment is 3D animation. this type of animation is also known as computer animation. However the artist for creating 3D animation and traditional animation has to share similar movement principles and basic formula in animation but the whole process of 3D animation is too-too different from the traditional animation.
Animation mixed with live action
Animation mixed with live action is a combinatory style. This is a combinatorial style that allows marketers to show the actual situation in real-life and make it more interesting by adding animation, so you don’t have to choose between live-action video and animation.
Mechanical animation
Mechanical animation is a sub-category of 3D animation. This style is an interesting and professional method to virtually show how things for in your industry or company. Mechanical animation is one of the best simulations for industrial businesses and companies by creating realistic 3D renders of mechanical systems and their components. Animator can create exact 3D models of physical products, then you can use it for your customers or employees. It has lots of benefits for oil and gas, offshore, fish farming, renewable energies and marine industries.
As mentioned at the first there are lots of type industry animation, but the five main and most common types has been explained above. Hope this subject has been useful for you.
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