Different types of Motion Graphics
Knowing different types of motion graphics can helps you to choose the best type of illustration video for your business, product, service or company. Motion graphics is one of the subcategories of animation; There are lots of industries and businesses make use of motion graphics to show a message, advertising or marketing and describing the process of their services.
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Explainer Videos
Sometimes, explaining your business or unique service in your industry is not easy. Especially for companies that are working in newfound or modern fields, this would be more difficult; because the customers may not completely understand the whys and wherefores of your business or they don’t know the actual value of your services.
Explainer video as its name is great for explaining your businesses and services. The point of the explainer video is to prepare a brief and understandable explanation for your customers. Nowadays explainer videos are so popular in digital marketing.
Instructional Videos
Instructional videos are almost the same as explainer videos, but mostly are used to guide customers, by the way of process of using your product.
For marketing a brand, you need to show your customers how they can use your services or products simply.
This type of motion graphics is designed to answer questions that customers may have about your industry, product, company and etc. Instructional videos can be useful for long stories which are about your business, or when you need educational content. Motion graphics versions of this kind of video would be more attractive due to visual appeal.

One of the methods may be used for visualizing information is the usage of graphs, images, charts, graphics, text, and different objects that are animated to spotlight motion which is in infographic videos or information graphic video.
Infographics videos makes you sure that your audiences just pay attention on the right point or subject, as a result you will be able to convey the information in your own way.
Landing page video
Landing page video is good for attracting the attention of the audience. A video on a landing page can make bigger conversions by using up to 80%. Business owners will want to add a brief illustration of their company’s services on the homepage of their website. Videos of product and service can be the best and appropriate for this condition. However, if you’re attempting to encourage customers that your product and service is valuable and useful, a landing page video with motion graphics can be a good idea.
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Wrapping up
This article listed just a few of the most businesslike types of marketing movies and motion graphics videos , but as you know there are lots of different types of motion graphics which you can choose and create one of them for your products and services promote your marketing.