Renewable energy

Renewable energy

Wind and sun provide clean energy constantly that are renewable, reduce the costs and provide better and clean future. Today, we have creative ways to absorb and store solar and wind energy, such as solar panels in the roofs to create the power and electricity. These energies are known as renewable energy.

What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy also known as clean energy, refers to energy comes from natural sources that are replenished, such as solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power and geothermal energy. Clean energy refers to those that don’t create pollutants such as carbon dioxide.

You may think that renewable energy is a new technology, but we use natural sources for various activities from the past until now.  For example: Winds has powered boats to sail the seas or sunlight has provided the warmth. One of the most important benefits is that renewable energy is clean and this is a zero-carbon and they can reduce the costs too.

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Types of renewable energy

There are 5 major types of renewable energy, as follows:

  • Solar energy

The potential using of the sun power is so high and humans have been using the sun to grow the plants or for warmth. But over the time, people found that the ways to store the sun energy and convert it to the electricity which is called solar energy. The power that is stored using solar cells made from silicon or materials and can transform the sunlight to the power and electricity to power anything, to heat the water or ventilation air in the buildings.

Solar energy doesn’t produce air pollutants and has minimal effects on the environment. The amount of using this energy depends on the location, season, time of day or weather conditions. Canada has the most potential use of this energy and the amounts of using in coastal areas are less, because of cloudy weather.

  • Wind energy

Wind is a source of clean energy and can be converted to useful forms of energy such as electricity or mechanical energy. For example, turbines are located in the areas that have good air regimes and wind energy turns the blades and the electricity will be produced.

Canada has significant use of this energy and installing wind power has been expanded rapidly in this country in recent years.

  • Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is gained from the heat that stored in the earth’s core or from the absorbed heat in the atmosphere and oceans. This energy considered as renewable energy, because the heat continuously produced in the earth and we can use it for various activities such as bathing, heating and generating electricity. This energy comes from deep of the earth and its availability depends on the geographical location. For example, in areas such as Iceland can be reached easily.

The best geothermal resources are located in British, Columbia, Northwest Territories and Alberta.

  • Hydroelectric power

Source of hydroelectric power is water. The natural flow of the water can be converted into energy and the water spins the turbine blades to create electricity. This energy is the largest renewable energy source in the United State. The volume and speed of the water determine the amount of energy and this means that, the greater water flow and the higher the head, produce more electricity.

Hydroelectric stations that are developed in Canada, particularly in Quebec are so favorable and after that, the areas such as British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador have the best stations and resources.

  • Biomass energy

Biomass energy is different from other types of renewable energy and is organic material comes from plants and animals, such as waste wood or trees. When biomass is burned, the chemical energy and materials are released and the heat will be created which can be generated electricity with a steam turbine.

Biomass contains stored chemical energy from the sun and plants produce this energy through photosynthesis. There are various types of biomass and the most commonly used type is wood and wood taste for industrial activities, heating the water or producing the stream and generation electricity. Studies have shown that the biomass from the forest can produce more carbon which has an adverse impact on the biodiversity.

Biomass energy is the second most important form of renewable energy in Canada.

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